Get to know Kirsten

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Certified 1000-hour CYT (Certified Yoga Therapist) 
Yoga Alliance, RYT-500
ACE-Certified Personal Trainer

Kirsten has a unique background that gives her a wide yoga therapy lens. She began practicing yoga in 2005. After several years working in schools (as a P.E. teacher and Special Ed. teacher) she found her niche working in adult fitness as a certified personal trainer and yoga instructor. She has studied: Anusara, Vinyasa, Restorative, and Yin. She has specialized in: clients with injuries or dealing with a chronic condition, athletes, couples, seniors, and prenatal/post-partum women. Becoming a mother has helped her realize how our definition of yoga can change throughout our lives. With compassion, Kirsten meets each client where they are, to facilitate balance in mind, body, and spirit.
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